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Monday, December 15, 2014

The Blanket/Die Wolldecke, Part 1

The subject of blankets periodically comes up so here are some pictures. Blankets were an item that was typically issued in garrison (i.e. back at the Kaserne) and not intended to be taken out to the field. It was expected that in the field, the solider's greatcoat would be sufficient.
As things turned out, just a greatcoat alone (especially the ones that the German Army started the war with in 1914) were woefully insufficient and in practice, soldiers acquired ("organized") blankets to supplement their greatcoats. This usually worked out pretty well since much of the tended to be static (relatively).
From the information I have gathered, it would seem that there were several varieties of blanket, each usually made with some sort of stripe arrangement. Use seems to also have been made of civilian and captured blankets.


Here is a nice example with dated 1914 and with the proper markings.


Another view of the same blanket.

This soldier has rolled it up and attached it to his Tornister or knapsack.

A squad sleeping with the blankets piled on.

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