As previously discussed in a prior post, the canteen or Feldflasche was not issued to the cavalry even though it had been standard issue for the rest of the German Army prior to 1914, something that is seemingly inexplicable (as of yet). It was not until September 14, 1914 that the issue of canteens to the cavalry was made. Initially, a modified version of the the standard 1907 pattern canteen with a shoulder strap was issued. This was similar to what was issued to the field artillery. Later on, the cavalry was issued with the same model issued to all other branches of the German Army.
Below is a picture of the artillery canteen which was basically a 1907 pattern infantry canteen with a harness and shoulder sling:
Illustration 8 and 9 depict the 1907 and 1915 artillery canteens. |
Finally, below are pictures of the 1915 version of the artillery canteen. Like the infantry version, materials shortages mandated a change in June 1915 with the introduction of the 1915 pattern, which was made from steel that was tin plated on both sides. A cork stopper was used rather than a machined screw-top. What is especially interesting about the examples below is the use of an ersatz sling.
The 1915 pattern, rear view. |
The 1915 pattern, front view. |
The 1915 pattern, close-up of bottom attachment button. |
Finally, this closes the circle on something that I've been trying to research over the past 15 years or so. I really wasn't able to make any progress until some friends assisted me by providing me with suitable pictures. Also, I was finally able to get hold of a copy of Kraus' two-volume work on the German Army uniforms and equipment and translate the relevant section (albiet crudely).
ReplyDeleteIt's the end of chapter, to be sure.