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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

More on the Grunblau Uniform

Just to continue the theme a bit further, here are some more pictures illustrating the use of the pre-feldgrau "Grunblau" uniform. What is interesting is that the Bavarians wasted nothing and and these older uniforms were still issued, at least in non-front line situations.

Frontal view of a Chevauleger trooper, regiment unknown. What is interesting here is that he is wearing the feldgrau cavalry breeches, probably the 1915 pattern.

Formal portrait with a sergeant and what looks like a gefreiter.

A more casual portrait of the 4 Eskadron, 8 Chevauleger.

And another one...note that the officer's uniform is the later pattern.

Based on the above, I would venture to guess that at least during the early part of the war, incoming recruits were issued whatever was available due to shortages caused by the rapid expansion of the German Army during 1914 through 1916 and there was probably even mixed issues of feldgrau and grunblau.

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